So today was... interesting. I 'accidentally' lost my temper at this girl in my class. She told some people that I threatened her, and I got really really annoyed, and started to shout. And my tutor was behind me... It didn't go too well. I was in a little bit of trouble.

I've been bullied by a Year 11 for some time now. She just calls me names etc. Actually, I've been dealing with it quite well, and it was all going away. In History today, we were told to say our villain. I was thinking about her, but I would never have said it out loud. My 'friend' said it. This 'friend', we'll call her Miss C.

Now, Miss C said the bully's name and a ripple of chatter went through the room. Everyone knows the Year 11. The thing that bothered me was that Miss C continued on, telling everyone what has happened between me and the Year 11. I hated that, because my whole class didn't need to know! It's not Miss C's battle to fight. It's none of her business, and I never asked her to interfere. Enough of that, subject closed. It's out in the open now, so I feel better (ish).

One last thing to complain about, then I can move on to something better. On the bus this afternoon, I went near to the back, to talk to a mate. The Stig (guy from before, remember?) was sat at the back with another guy. this other guy made a massive point of waiting until I was in earshot, and then saying,
"So, "The Stig", how's your girlfriend?" Then he smirked at me. And the Stig looked like he felt bad, but of course, he didn't say anything. He's Year 11. Year 11s don't stick up for Year 8s. It doesn't happen. But that mini-conversation between the Stig and the other guy killed me.

Don't forget to comment on the writing and I have added 2 new pages - The Quotes page and The Music page :)
Jess  xxx

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