I almost had a good day today (apart from slight awkwardness with a certain person mentioned in the previous post). Then I started looking through old texts. Always a bad move. I was looking through the texts between me and The Stig. The Stig is the guy I like, Katy Ritchie gave him a code name. Then I got to the bit when we had an argument. I quite literally burst into tears, because I realised that the guy I want is never going to be mine. And that there is nothing I can do about it.

What about the Oscars, guys??? The host that offened EVERYONE, and the epic Jennifer Lawrence trip-up. Of course, it's all over the headlines. I hate headlines that make everything into a big deal. There was one a while ago, when Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux kissed on a balcony (as couples do), and Daily Mail went on about it for about a week. I HATE THAT, because it's just like, "Who cares? They kissed. WOAH!! They're engaged, for goodness sake!"

I hope your day has been good, and I will be back tomorrow, and will be complaining about my Chinese teacher for a couple of paragraphs. Till then, I tip my hat to you,

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