Hey :) I haven't done anything in a while, but I have been busy. Plus, absolutely nothing interesting has happened until last night.

I was in a show at The Lights in Andover, and we sang some songs, and waited around in a conference room for an hour and a hlf. Interesting. I ended up plaiting a girls hair into little braids :) that was fun.

I seem to be in a good mood most of the time - but i still worry about everything. My Chinese teacher still doesn't like me, but I am on my way to winning. :) good things

Love Jessi xoxoxoxoxoxo
The roses you bought me are dead,
The love I felt was all in my head,
My door is open,
My heart is broken,
I won't be back again,
Your love was acid rain,
Burning up my heart,
Pulling me apart.
But the roses you bought me are gone,
Our love wasn't meant to last long,
I'm dying inside,
No place to hide,
And I know I'll always miss you,
But that's all I can do,
The Roses You Bought Me Are Dead.
This Wasn't Love,
That Was All In My Head.

Tell me what you think in the comments :) xxxxxxxxxxxx
I did not just spend three hours doing German homework. Yeah, I had fun, and I also looked at news for Kristen Stwerart and Robert Pattinson. But still - THREE HOURS. It's done now.

I didn't go and watch my sisters swim last night, I had a bad day yesterday (you know that) and I couldn't be bothered.

Not much else has happened in 10 hours, apart from I spent two full hours reading Breaking Dawn. It's the biggest book ever and its really good. I'm gonna go grab something to eat. Bye xxx
So today was... interesting. I 'accidentally' lost my temper at this girl in my class. She told some people that I threatened her, and I got really really annoyed, and started to shout. And my tutor was behind me... It didn't go too well. I was in a little bit of trouble.

I've been bullied by a Year 11 for some time now. She just calls me names etc. Actually, I've been dealing with it quite well, and it was all going away. In History today, we were told to say our villain. I was thinking about her, but I would never have said it out loud. My 'friend' said it. This 'friend', we'll call her Miss C.

Now, Miss C said the bully's name and a ripple of chatter went through the room. Everyone knows the Year 11. The thing that bothered me was that Miss C continued on, telling everyone what has happened between me and the Year 11. I hated that, because my whole class didn't need to know! It's not Miss C's battle to fight. It's none of her business, and I never asked her to interfere. Enough of that, subject closed. It's out in the open now, so I feel better (ish).

One last thing to complain about, then I can move on to something better. On the bus this afternoon, I went near to the back, to talk to a mate. The Stig (guy from before, remember?) was sat at the back with another guy. this other guy made a massive point of waiting until I was in earshot, and then saying,
"So, "The Stig", how's your girlfriend?" Then he smirked at me. And the Stig looked like he felt bad, but of course, he didn't say anything. He's Year 11. Year 11s don't stick up for Year 8s. It doesn't happen. But that mini-conversation between the Stig and the other guy killed me.

Don't forget to comment on the writing and I have added 2 new pages - The Quotes page and The Music page :)
Jess  xxx
So, I'm doing that thing where I freak out over a guy. NOT the same guy as before (different one). This is really hard to write without names, so this new guy is now called "The Stig." And the guy from before is "The Dooshe."

My problem is, The Stig, who I have liked for a very long time, he has a girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him, and I'm glad he's happy. But it kills when I see them together. And yeah, I know, I never had a chance, but that doesn't mean I can't hope.

I also had a really good lunch today. It was really good, so I ate half of my friend's as well (she had the same).

Today is obviously Wednesday, and I seriously hate Wednesdays. What is good about Science, Math, English, PSHE and then D&T?? Then an hour on the bus. Woohoo. Party. One does not enjoy Wednesdays. One simply finds new ways to get through Wednesdays.

I would like to apoligise to Morgan, George and Katy for slapping you today. I got angry. And then lost my temper.

The last thing is that I would like to thank Ollie and Issy Ford. They're good people.

LALOL 4 Lots And Lots Of L
OH MY GOD DALLAS 2012 SEASON 2 YOU MUST WATCH IT, IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE! Please go watch it, for me :) Search InsaneLostFan on Youtube, and it will be in there.

As I promised, my Chinese teacher. She actually wasn't too bad today - she was in a good mood. But in the past she was being a full-on cow. She seriously hates me. Oh well.

I just want to go back to Dallas for a sec (its a big part of my life - I'm that sad and lonely). The ultimate couple is definitely John Ross and Pamela Rebecca.  they are so perfect. Enough about Dallas.

Now, my love life is completely dead. There's kind of a guy, but he doesn't like me in that way anymore. He used to. I also break down at the sight of a certain person. He was mentioned in the first post.

I am writing more on the Creative Writing part. Please do comment on them as well. I really want to know what you guys think. You can also email me
I almost had a good day today (apart from slight awkwardness with a certain person mentioned in the previous post). Then I started looking through old texts. Always a bad move. I was looking through the texts between me and The Stig. The Stig is the guy I like, Katy Ritchie gave him a code name. Then I got to the bit when we had an argument. I quite literally burst into tears, because I realised that the guy I want is never going to be mine. And that there is nothing I can do about it.

What about the Oscars, guys??? The host that offened EVERYONE, and the epic Jennifer Lawrence trip-up. Of course, it's all over the headlines. I hate headlines that make everything into a big deal. There was one a while ago, when Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux kissed on a balcony (as couples do), and Daily Mail went on about it for about a week. I HATE THAT, because it's just like, "Who cares? They kissed. WOAH!! They're engaged, for goodness sake!"

I hope your day has been good, and I will be back tomorrow, and will be complaining about my Chinese teacher for a couple of paragraphs. Till then, I tip my hat to you,
Today has been reallly bad. I really want this guy, who I thought liked me back. But I said something stupid, and I think I lost him. He won't speak to me, and I've tried everything. He won't listen.

I have to get a story for a Radio 2 competition in by Friday, and i have no idea what to write about.

On a slightly more positive note, a new Dallas came out yesterday, and it was quite good. I ship Pamela and John Ross.

Please tell me what you guys like on TV in the comments!

Love Jess xxx